Monday, November 7, 2016

modern webapp starter packages - typescript, es6, redux etc.

Recently I've created couple of starter repositories with configured modern client-side stack. Main goal was to avoid using major frameworks (like Angular or React) built in but to have the best tooling which goes together with them. It was mostly for personal use and training skills. Hopefully it may save you some time - because, you know, cutting off boilerplate code is less efficient than starting with a small and clean project customising it for you purposes later.

contains webpack powered app using Redux (with no React) and set of libraries for data handling and routing. On a UI side there's a material design library attached + LESS configured.

Typescript (without Angular) with systemjs built application.

In addition - yet another react starter kit but not overloaded with all kinds of plugins and best practices examples. Clean and really simple to bootstrap.